Gamal Rabie Agamy
Dr. Gamal was educated at Assiut University in Egypt. He graduated at 1985, and after completing his
internship year then his residency at chest department; he received his Master's degree in 1990 and PhD in
After a series of multiple successful scientific publications, he was promoted to be professor of pulmonary
medicine at Assiut University in 2008, then he was the head of the department from 2018 to 2021.
He’s constantly concerned to attend the international conferences, and very interested in propagation of
science and practical skills to future generations. So, he keeps organizing many conferences all over Egypt.
He learned Chest Ultrasound and is keen to teach it regularly through numerous workshops.
He was elected to be the National Delegate of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) in Egypt in 2011.
He was also selected by the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) to be the Global Governor in 2018.
He is fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST).
He is a member of:
Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis.
Egyptian Scientific Society of Bronchology (ESSB).
European Respiratory Society (ERS).
World Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (WABIP).
Professor Gamal is also rewarded as the “Dedicated Professor” at the Doctors Syndicate in Egypt in 2002.